Welcome To

Island Traditions Store

Home of the Basket Weavers

About Us

A True Delight For The Senses

In 1983 an idea of a project originated with the Social Action Committee as a means of fulfilling recommendations of No.6 of ethical reflections on the economic crisis facing Canada. The overall aim of this large group was to create a worker owned co-operative for unemployed persons.

In 1985 what was referred to as the employment project has become an independent officially registered worker Cooperative known as Culture Craft Cooperative and was in the Parish Hall in Richmond.

In 1991 the Culture Craft Coop moved into a trailer since business was starting to take off and they needed more space.

Our basket weavers transform an ash tree into timeless and stunning baskets with hand carved handles and hoops. Sweet grass, tree bark, and roots are incorporated into one of a kind creations. The store also showcases a variety of works by over 100 local accomplished artisans. Come and experience traditional Island craftsmanship-a true delight for the senses. Come for the museum & interpretive centre, Stay for a demonstration or workshop. Groups are welcome!

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Hours of Operation

Seasonal Hours & Contact Number

For off season shoppers please call Nicole McIsaac 1-902-315-2075